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The Cream Wildflowers gallery

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Piptatherum miliaceum, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Piptatherum miliaceum
Oryzopsis miliacea
Rice millet
נשרן הדוחן

Piptatherum thomasii, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Piptatherum thomasii
Piptatherum miliaceum
Millet grass
נשרן צפוף

Plantago albicans, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Plantago albicans
Woolly plantain
לחך מלבין

Reseda alopecuros, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Reseda alopecuros
Fox mignonette
ריכפה גדולה

Ricinus communis, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Ricinus communis
Castor-Oil Plant
Palma Christi
Qiqayon mazui, קיקיון מצוי

Rubia tenuifolia, Narrow-leaved Madder, פואה מצוי, Cream colored flowers
Rubia tenuifolia
Narrow-leaved Madder
פואה מצוי

Scabiosa prolifera, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Scabiosa prolifera
Lomelosia prolifera
Prolific Scabious
תגית מצויה

Smyrnium olusatrum, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Smyrnium olusatrum
Horse Parsley
Wild celery
מורית גדולה

Styrax officinalis, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Styrax officinalis
Official Storax
לבנה רפואי

Teucrium capitatum, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Teucrium capitatum
Teucrium polium
Cat-thyme Germander
Felty Germander
געדה מצויה

Umbilicus intermedius, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Umbilicus intermedius
Common Pennywort
טבורית נטויה

Vitis vinifera, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Vitis vinifera
גפן הייןבורית נטויה

Withania somnifera, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Withania somnifera
Physalis somnifera
Common Winter-cherry
ויתניה משכרת

Ziziphus spina-christi, Israel, Cream colored flowers
Ziziphus spina_christi
Jujube,Christ’s thorn
שיזף מצוי,אטד

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