Plantago albicans, Woolly plantain,
Hebrew: לחך מלבין, Arabic: لسان الحمل المبيض

Scientific name:  Plantago albicans L.
Common name:  Woolly plantain
Hebrew name:  לחך מלבין
Arabic name:  لسان الحمل المبيض
Family:  Plantaginaceae, לחכיים

Israel, Flora, Palestine, Nature, Botany

Life form:   Hemicryptophyte
Leaves:  Rosette, entire
Flowers:  Green
Flowering Period:   March, April, May
Habitat:  Sand
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Shrub-steppes, Deserts and extreme deserts
Chorotype:   Med - Saharo-Arabian
Summer shedding:  Perennating

Plantago albicans, Woolly plantain, לחך מלבין,لسان الحمل المبيض
Location: Netanya, Harold Silberstein Lane

Derivation of the botanical name:
Plantago, plantagin (stem), a "plantain".
albicans, albico, "to be white"; meaning becoming white, whitish, not quite perfect white.
The Hebrew name: לחך, lahakh, the plantain, New Hebrew, from לחך, lahakh, was licked up, was lapped up, was eaten up.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.