Salvia viridis, Salvia horminum, Annual Clary, Bluebeard,
Red-topped sage,
Hebrew: מרווה דגולה, מרווה ירוקה, Arabic: قصعين أخضر

Scientific name:  Salvia viridis L.
Synonym name:  Salvia horminum L.
Common name:  Annual Clary, Bluebeard, Red-topped sage
Hebrew name:  מרווה דגולה, מרווה ירוקה
Arabic: name:  قصعين أخضر
Family:  Labiatae / Lamiaceae, שפתניים

Israel Flowers

Life form:   Therophyte, annual
Stems:  30-60 cm high
Leaves:  Opposite, entire, dentate or serrate
Flowers:  Violet, white
Fruits / Pods:  Nutlets
Flowering Period:   February, March, April, May
Habitat:  Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Shrub-steppes, Deserts and extreme deserts, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Salvia viridis,Salvia horminum,Annual Clary, Bluebeard, Orminon, Painted Sage, Red-topped Sage, Hormino silvestre, מרווה דגולה, מרווה ירוקה, قصعين أخضر

Derivation of the botanical name:
Salvia, Latin salvere, to save, referring to the long-believed healing properties of salvia. Pliny the Elder was the first known to use the Latin name salvia.
virides, green.
horminum, Greek name for sage.
The Israeli botanists Dr. Ephraim and Hanah Hareuveni pointed out that the architecture of the vertical inflorescence of this species of Salvia resembles the shape of the Menorah, in particular—the Salvia Palaestina. Therefore, they suggested that it had inspired the design of the Menorah. Moreover, based on etymology perspectives they suggested that the Hebrew word “Marva, מרווה” (Salvia) was originated from the Hebrew word “Moriah” (the Temple Mount name), reflecting the connection between this plant and the Menorah, which was situated inside the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Israel, Flora, Native plants, Palestine

Israel Flowers and native plants

Israel Flowers and native plants
Location: Pura Nature Reserve, שמורת פורה