Ranunculus arvensis, Corn Buttercup,
Devil-on-all-sides, Scratch Bur,
Hebrew: נורית השדה, Arabic: الحوذان الحقلي

Scientific name:  Ranunculus arvensis L.
Common name:  Corn Buttercup, Devil-on-all-sides, Scratch Bur
Hebrew name:  נורית השדה
Arabic name:  الحوذان الحقلي
Family:  Ranunculaceae, נוריתיים

Flowers, Israel, Send flowers online
Location: Golan Heights, Irus Bizzot Nov Reserve

Life form:  Annual
Leaves:  Alternate; dissected, dissected twice or more; dentate or serrate
Flowers:  Yellow; hermaphrodite
Flowering Period:  March, April, May
Habitat:   Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon
Chorotype:   Euro-Siberian - Med - Irano-Turanian
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Ranunculus arvensis, Corn Buttercup, Devil-on-all-sides, Scratch Bur, נורית השדה,Ranunculus arvensis, Corn Buttercup, Devil-on-all-sides, Scratch Bur,الحوذان الحقلي ,נורית השדה
Location: Golan Heights, Irus Bizzot Nov Reserve

Derivation of the botanical name:
Ranunculus, rana, "frog", Ranunculus, "little frog", literally froglike (from marshy places).
arvensis, arvum, field, cultivated land, plowed land; ensis adjective suffix for nouns: country or place of origin or habitat; of cultivated fields.
The Hebrew name: נורית, nurit, from Aramaic: נוריתא, nurita; נור, nur: to give light, to shine; to burn; Aramaic: נורא ,נור (=fire).
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Ranunculus arvensis, Corn Buttercup, Devil-on-all-sides, Scratch Bur, נורית השדה
Location: Golan Heights, Irus Bizzot Nov Reserve

Ranunculus arvensis, Corn Buttercup, Devil-on-all-sides, Scratch Bur, נורית השדה
Location: Golan Heights, Irus Bizzot Nov Reserve