Ophrys umbilicata subsp. flavomarginata, Ophrys flavomarginata, Ophrys latilabris,
Yellow Rimmed Ophrys,
Hebrew: דבורנית צהובת-שוליים, Arabic: الأوفريس أصفر الهوامش

Scientific name:  Ophrys umbilicata subsp. flavomarginata (Renz) Faurh.
Synonym name:  Ophrys flavomarginata (Renz) H.Baumann & Künkele,
Ophrys latilabris (B.Baumann & H.Baumann) Shifman,
Common name:  Yellow Rimmed Ophrys
Hebrew name:  דבורנית צהובת-שוליים
Arabic name:  الأوفريس أصفر الهوامش
Family:  Orchidaceae, סחלביים

Israel wildflowers, flora de Israel
Location: Bene Zion Nature Reserve
Life form:  Geophyte
Leaves:  Alternate, rosette, entire, smooth
Flowers:  Unequaled color range
Flowering Period:  March, April, May
Habitat:  Mediterranean maquis and forest
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands
Chorotype:   Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral
Protected Flower, צמח מוגן:  Yes

Ophrys flavomarginata,Yellow Rimmed Ophrys, الأوفريس أصفر الهوامش,דבורנית צהובת-שוליים
Location: Bene Zion Nature Reserve

Derivation of the botanical name:
Ophrys, oQ^us, "the eye-brow", referring to the furry edges of the lips of several species. The latin name for this group of terrestrial orchids.
flavomarginata, yellow-rimmed.
The Hebrew name דבורנית, dvoranit, from דבורה, dvora, a bee; the flowers bear a striking resemblance to a female bee. When male bees are tricked into mating with them, they get covered in pollen and spread it from flower to flower.
  • The standard author abbreviation Renz is used to indicate Jany Renz (1907 - 1999), a Greece (Corfu) born chemist (Sandoz Ag, Basel). He retired in 1971 from Sandoz and dedicated his time thereafter to the study of orchids.
The number of Ophrys species range from 16-251.

Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE), Natural History, Book XXVI, XCIII, was the first to mention 'Ophrys': "Ophrys dyes it (the hair) black , a plant like indented cabbage, but with only two leaves."

Ophrys flavomarginata,Yellow Rimmed Ophrys, דבורנית צהובת-שוליים
Location: Bene Zion Nature Reserve/sub>

Ophrys flavomarginata,Yellow Rimmed Ophrys, الأوفريس أصفر الهوامش,דבורנית צהובת-שוליים
Location: Bene Zion Nature Reserve

Ophrys flavomarginata,Yellow Rimmed Ophrys, דבורנית צהובת-שוליים, الأوفريس أصفر الهوامش
Location: Bene Zion Nature Reserve