Iris palaestina, Palestine Iris,
Hebrew: אירוס ארץ-ישראלי, Arabic: السوسن الفلسطيني

Scientific name:  Iris palaestina (Baker) Boiss.
Common name:  Palestine Iris
Hebrew name:   אירוס ארץ-ישראלי
Arabic name:  السوسن الفلسطيني
Plant Family:  Iridaceae, אירוסיים
Subgenus:  Scorpiris

Flowers in Israel, send flowers

Life form:  Geophyte; rootstock an ovoid bulb
Stems:  10-20cm high
Leaves:  Alternate, rosette, entire, glossy on upper surface, undulate with white, ciliate margins
Flowers:   The flower is white to yellowish; in the southern population light blue specimens can be found
Fruits / pods:  Loculicidal capsules
Flowering Period:  Januar, Februar
Habitat:  Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  The sandstone ridges of the coastal plain
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Iris palaestina, Palestine Iris, السوسن الفلسطيني,אירוס ארץ-ישראלי

Derivation of the botanical name:
Iris, ιριϛ, ιδοϛ, rainbow; female messenger, announcer of the gods, the Greek goddess of the rainbow.
palaestina, Palestinian.
The Hebrew name: אירוס, iris, transliteration from the scientific name.
  • The standard author abbreviation Baker is used to indicate John Gilbert Baker (1834 – 1920), an English botanist.
  • The standard author abbreviation Boiss. is used to indicate Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810 – 1885), a Swiss botanist, explorer and mathematician.

Iris palaestina, Palestine Iris, אירוס ארץ-ישראלי