Andropogon distachyos, Two-spiked beardgrass,
Hebrew: זקניים כפול-שיבולת, Arabic: سفون ثنائي الصفوف

Scientific name:  Andropogon distachyos L.
Common name:  Two-spiked beardgrass
Hebrew name:  זקניים כפול-שיבולת
Arabic name:  سفون ثنائي الصفوف
Family:   Graminea (Poaceae), Grass Family, משפחת הדגניים

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Life form:   Hemicryptophyte
Stems:  50-70 cm high; slender, erect, glabrous stems
Leaves:  Alternate, rosette, entire
Flowers:  Green, violet; inflorescence of 2 spikes from 5 to 7 cm lenght which finish the stem
Fruits / pods:  oblong caryopsis, flattened on the back
Flowering Period:   March, April, May, June
Habitat:   Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Shrub-steppes
Chorotype:   Plurireginalbor-trop
Summer shedding:  Perennating

Andropogon distachyos, Two-spiked beardgrass, זקניים כפול-שיבולת, سفون ثنائي الصفوف

Derivation of the botanical name:
Andropogon , andros (Greek), "a man,"; pogon, "beard,"; referring to the hairs on the spikelets of some of these grass species.
distachyos, di, "between, away from"; stachys, σταχυϛ, spike; ear of corn; meaning: 2 spikes.
The Hebrew word: זקניים, zkannaiem , from דקן, beard; referring to the scientific name Andropogon (pogon, beard).
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.