Aerva javanica, Aerva persica, Desert Cotton,
Hebrew: לובד המדבר , Arabic: شجرة النعجة , شجرة الغزال , يرة

Scientific name:  Aerva javanica (Burm. fil) Schultes
Synonym name:  Aervan tomentosa, Aerva persica (Burm. fil) Merr.
Common name:  Desert Cotton, Kapok bush
Hebrew name:  לובד המדבר
Arabic name:  شجرة النعجة , شجرة الغزال , يرة
Family:  Amaranthaceae, ירבוזיים

Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور,

Life form:  chamaephyte, semi-shrub
Leaves:  Alternate, entire
Flowers:  White
Flowering Period:   January, February, March, April, May, June, December
Habitat:   Desert, thermophilous (heat-loving)
Distribution:   Semi-steppe shrublands, Shrub-steppes, Deserts and extreme deserts
Chorotype:   Tropical
Summer shedding:  Perennating

פרחים וצמחי בר בארץ ישראל

Derivation of the botanical name:
Aerva, from the Arabic name (Ra'a) of the plant.
javanica, from Java.
tomentosa,tomentum, "dense interwoven hair covering", osus (adjective suffix for nouns), plenitude or notable development;
thickly and evenly covered short more or less apressed curled or curved matted hairs.
persica, Persian.
The Hebrew word: לובד, lobd, felt; the entire plant is covered with a flourish cover of unpleasant hairs, hence the Hebrew name lobd.
  • The standard author abbreviation Burm. is used to indicate Johannes Burman (1707 – 1779), a Dutch botanist and physician.
  • The standard author abbreviation Schultes is used to indicate Josef August Schultes (1773–1831), an Austrian botanist and professor in Vienna.
  • The standard author abbreviation Merr. is used to indicate Elmer Drew Merrill (1876 – 1956), an American botanist.